Provincial Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

Bill 23 was Passed into law on November 28, 2022 by the Provincial Government.

Changes in the Planning processes following the passage of Bill 23:

  • Committee of Adjustment decisions can no longer be appealed by neighbours, residents association, and other third-parties.

  • Drastic reduction or total elimination of Development Charges and Section 37 funding in favour of a new Community Benefits Charges regime

  • City of Toronto property taxpayers will now have to pay an extra $230 million annually to make up for the Provincial Government's cut to development and parkland dedication revenues formerly paid by developers.

  • Parkland Dedication and greenspace requirements for developments reduced by 50%

  • Local municipalities ability to manage growth have been dramatically reduced, including:

  • City powers to regulate the demolition and conversion of rental units to ensure we maintain critical rental units ("renoviction") have been eliminated

  • Heritage protections can now be overruled, if they do not achieve provincial priorities

  • Developers no longer required to meet Toronto's green standards in new buildings, which are crucial to meeting climate net zero targets

  • As-of-rights, anyone can build three units per on any lot in the city

  • The powers of the Toronto Region Conservation Authority to protect natural heritage, wetlands, flood plains have been dramatically reduced in order to allow more developments

  • The province now has the authority to change or amend the City's official Plan, if it conflicts with provincial interests

  • Any developments under 10 units are now exempt from Site Plan Controls 3

  • 7,400 acres of the Greenbelt have been removed from the Greenbelt Protection Area and now are open for development 

  • This omnibus bill results in unprecedented amendments and changes to 9 provincial planning statues:

City of Toronto Act, 2006 (COTA);   Planning Act;   Conservation Authorities Act;   Development Charges Act, 1997 (DC Act);   Municipal Act, 2001;   New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017;    Ontario Heritage Act;   Ontario Land Tribunal Act;   Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012


Planning and Development 101


Provincial Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022