Our ward: Eglinton-Lawrence
About Eglinton - Lawrence
Eglinton-Lawrence encompasses the area from Yonge Street in the East to Caledonia Road in the West, and Eglinton Avenue West in the South, to Highway 401 in the North. It mirrors the same boundaries of the provincial and federal ridings and is home to 115,832 residents (Source: 2021 Census.)
From Yonge and Eglinton to Yorkdale Mall, the Eglinton Crosstown to the historic revitalization of Lawrence Heights, our Ward encompasses a wide range of vibrant neighbourhoods, beautiful green spaces, diverse communities, engaged constituents, and prominent community and city projects.
This website is a resource for the City and the Eglinton-Lawrence community. I always want to hear from you. I encourage you to reach out to my office with questions, issues, or assistance you require.
Email councillor_colle8@toronto.ca or call 416-338-0008.
Thank you for your passionate support for your community and let's continue to work together to better our neighbourhoods and our great City of Toronto!