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Shop your local BIA

Shopping Local to Support Our Small Businesses

It’s extremely important that we do all we can to continue supporting our local small businesses after the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and Crosstown delays on Eglinton.

Here is a list of the local BIAs and local business resources in the Ward that need your support more than ever. Please patronize our small businesses throughout Eglinton- Lawrence.


The Eglinton Way BIA

Eglinton Ave. West between Oriole Parkway and Chaplin Cres.

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Fairbank Village

Eglinton Ave. West, from Dufferin to Chamberlain Ave., and along Dufferin from Hunter Ave. to the CNR rail.

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York-Eglinton BIA

Eglinton Ave. West between Marlee Ave. and Dufferin St, and along north side of Dufferin St. to Whitmore Ave.

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Yonge-Lawrence Village BIA

Yonge St. from Lawrence Ave. to Yonge Blvd.

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Yonge St. from Roehampton Ave. to Glengrove Ave. 

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Upper Village
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Eglinton Avenue West between Bathurst Street and Strathearn Road


Dufferin Street from Lawrence Avenue West to Wingold Avenue

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